Smoke Outlet Panels
With space at such a premium in large cities like London, basement areas are becoming highly sought after for both residential and commercial requirements. Our Bespoke Smoke Outlet Panels are the perfect solution to ensure your building will meet all the necessary Fire Regulations and Health and Safety requirements. At New Age Glass we can provide each customer with a bespoke design and installation service, ensuring we take account of current surroundings, and providing you with Smoke Outlet Panels that blend in with the existing decor.
In addition to Smoke Outlet Panels, New Age Glass Ltd can also supply glass block inserted Emergency Exits, Cellar Access Flaps and Fire Escapes to the exterior pavements of your building.
All our panels can be pre-cast in our workshop or cast on site including S150-100 & S165-165 (heavy duty loading) and SG150-80 & SG150-100, panels designed to cover with stone or granite finishes.
We can also provide glazed smoke outlet panels – P150-75, P150-100 & P165-165 (heavy duty loading) and PC170-100 (117mm circular lensed).
All the mentioned constructions are acceptable on the public highway and can be designed for pedestrian loading 5kn/m2 or accidental vehicle loading 20kn/m2 and heavy duty loading 75kn/m2.
Regulation identification plates are cast into all smoke outlet panels and brass demarcation strips can be supplied.
We can also provide a test panel to submit for Fire Brigade approval.

Call our technical department on 01243 790414 or use the link below to fill out our product enquiry form.
New Age Glass Limited, Units 3, 4 & 6, Phoenix Business Centre, Spur Road, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8PN
Tel: 01243 790414 Fax: 01243 790415
Copyright @2022 New Age Glass Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 3553820 VAT Registration No. 777669847.