About this Project
Address: Notting Hill & Ealing School, St Stevens Road, London, W13 8AX
New Age Glass Limited were contracted to supply and fix 6no Smoke Outlet Panels and provide 1no Test panel. We have pre-cast 6no Smoke Outlet Panels in our factory, using our NAG-SG150-100 type construction, comprising an nominal 100mm deep reinforced concrete coffered slab with ribs set at 150mm cross centres. This construction allows other finishes to be positioned over the top of the panel. New Age Glass Limited are to provide Brass demarcation strips for fixing by others and “smoke outlet from basement” Identification nameplates.

New Age Glass Limited, Units 3, 4 & 6, Phoenix Business Centre, Spur Road, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8PN
Tel: 01243 790414 Fax: 01243 790415
Copyright @2022 New Age Glass Limited. Registered in England & Wales No 3553820 VAT Registration No. 777669847.